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一般现在时概念意义_一般现在时概念 今日看点

2023-06-25 12:41:27 来源:互联网


1、1.一般现在时  1) 一般现在时常与often, always, usually, sometimes, everyday, once a week等时间状语连用。

2、  2) 一般现在时表示客观事实或普遍真理。

3、  3)第三人称单数作主语时,动词后要加-s  标志词:often, always, usually, every day, once a week  He takes a walk after supper every day.  How often do you wash your hair?  Sometimes information in the long-term memory is___ (be) hard to remember.(4B 2000 上 )  2.一般过去时  标志词:yesterday, last week, three years ago, in 1987  He lived in London when he was young.  In the l600’s,travelers from Europe_brought__ (bring) back diamonds from India.(6A 2000 上 )  3.一般将来时  Will (shall) + 动词原形  Am (is, are) going to +动词原形  Am (is, are) about to +动词原形  Am (is, are) to +动词原形  We’ll have to be careful in doing business with them.  4.现在进行时  Am (is, are) + doing  What are you doing?  I’m doing some washing.  5.现在完成时  1)现在完成时不能使用明确表示过去时间的状语,例如:yesterday, last week, in 1993等。

4、  2)现在完成时可以和already, never, ever, not…yet等副词连用。


6、  Have (has) + 过去分词  I haven’t seen her since 1991.  Have been sitting  Has’t paid  Had seen  Was making  Has been working  Am preparing  Has happened  The earth goes around the sun.  Water boils at 100 degrees.  He does’t take a walk after supper every day.  Does he take a walk after supper every day?  I am a teacher.  I am not a teacher.  Are you a teacher?  What’s your father?  What does your father do?  Be from com from  Where is your sister from?  Where does your sister come from?  It rains every Wednesday.  He goes to school by taxi every day.  How does he go to school every day.  What did you do 3 years ago?。


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